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Saturday, August 10, 2013

World Council on Gifted and Talented Children: Day 1

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Spiritual Intelligence I started my quest for knowledge by attending Spiritual Intelligence, by Dr. Dorothy Sisk, and I wasn't disappointed. We began discussing a thorough handout, as well as ideas from her book, Spiritual Intelligence, which is no longer in publication. She covered the central foci of her book, which looked at the spiritual dimension of our lives through findings in psychology, science, hermetics, and spiritual pathfinders.
  1. Psychology, Carl Rogers spoke of the person of tomorrow and the yearning for the spiritual.
  2. Karl Jung, whose mother read him myths as a child, spoke of the collective unconscious and was the first to see the subconscious as a problem-solver.
  3. Essenes in the time before and after the Common Era were known to have emphasized finding talent, developing it and sharing it.
  4. Dabrowski studied people who were making a difference, which led to his theories on overexcitabilities.
  5. Maslow studied peak experiences.
  6. She mentioned a professor of physics who spoke of the sense of awe with which he held scientific discoveries.
  7. Edgar Mitchell founded the school of noetics and the Noetic Institution.
  8. Thoth wrote a book titled Hermetica, which was lost in the generations that moved from Egypt, Iraq, and Italy, where he influenced the Medici family.
  9. A spiritual leader I did not know about was Hildegard of Bingen. Identified at an early age as having visions, her parents gave her to the church. She was walled into a cell with a nun for years, with only the chants of the monks and the exchange of food and waste for entertainment. She became a nun, writer, architect, doctor, and composer, among other things. A monk named Voldmar wrote her visions and sent them to church leaders. Her avocation was music, chants, poems.
  10. Emily Dickinson, student at Holyoke, wouldn’t convert to Catholicism and dropped out. She studied the transcendentalism of Emerson, which promoted identification with nature, she lived in an inner world, loved children, and explored eastern mystical literature.
  11. Helen Keller lost vision and hearing from a fever at 19 mos., was influenced by Swedenborgians, traveled outside her body, mastered spiritual intelligence.
  12. Others include Einstein, Mandela, Rumi, Safis, Erica Landau (5 yrs. in concentration camp).
Activities she does in her gifted program: senior and junior counselors and scholars. Do random act of kindness, write note. We had two guided imageries, which she said were attributed to Fritz Perls, but I can’t find any reference to this online. We visualized a walk on a path and we found a large box, and medium-sized box and a small box. Then we talked about our images. Mine were: Light, when I took it out it sort of had a ball shape or hemisphere Artichoke, with mandala of perfect leaves Crystal, with rainbows of reflected light Dr. Sisk talked about the commonalities of the major mystics and noted they especially tap into inner knowing. Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer Sylvia Rimm Being different, unusual or unique. Creativity balanced with conformity. Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades and what you can do about it How to Parent So Children will Learn See Jane Win Advance Organizer
  1. Reasonably High Expectations
  2. Work ethic, sense of perseverance and accomplishment
  3. Competitive resilience, won’t be the smartest
  4. Disabilities, mental health problems, handwriting, power of avoidance (speak into microphone or recorder first, then write), reading (extended time, encouragement).
  5. Appropriate curriculum, match between achievement and challenge, still need to do some boring stuff
  6. Peer environments, other kids who are also being successful, creativity close to oppositionality
  7. United positive parenting, one parent enables power against other parent, teaches oppositionality, argues with teachers, child is more powerful than adult
  8. Parent advocacy and support for schools
  9. Appropriate role models, similarities between selves and adult, nurturance or special warmth, power in their lives
  10. Reasonable balance in their lives, working hard vs. affiliation and friends
Iowa acceleration scale for skipping used for assessment. “The inner circle of achievers” can be seen on her web page here. Dependent kids are more anxious. Must be sensitive and also strong. Dominant kids evoke anger from parents. Be firm and positive, watch out for pitting parents against teacher, counselor against teacher. “Tell me about what you have in mind.” Find experimental compromise solution and write it down (contract), make copy to show him when he opposes you again, creativity thinks up excuses, but stand firm, while showing openness to new ideas. Many gifted children have been given opportunities and praise. It can be too much of a good thing. Can be a stressor. Set a direction or personna for the child so it becomes part of who they are. They think of themselves as very smart. Throw in kindness, hard-working, character. 3Ws, want, wait and work Trifocal model, 80% success, school, counselor and parents Bifocal model, 50%? Ten tips “Canons” of Achievement for the Gifted: in newsletter. Fulfilling potential, making a contribution and making a living are useful goals. Dr. Fred Mosteller, spoke at medical school, elderly, 4th grade fell in love with teacher,
  1. Ally with the student privately about interests and concerns.
  2. Listen to what the student says.
Learn about what the student is thinking.
  4. Initiate opportunities for recognition of the student’s strengths.
  5. Add experimental ideas for engaging curricular and extracurricular activities.

  6. Nurture relationships with appropriate adult and peer role models.

  7. Consequence reasonably but firmly if student doesn’t meet commitments

  8. Emphasize effort, independence, realistic expectations, how strengths can be used to cope with problems and extend possibilities patiently.

When child turns around, hands off - that child can fly!

Opening Ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies commenced with a bugle call similar to the Derby, followed by the Mayor and the President of Western Kentucky University. Outstanding Kentuckians were cited in the celebration of giftedness and creativity. Music followed under the direction of Dr. Pope. Awards were given to leading scholars in the world. I would have loved to post the people and all of their achievements, but the list would be too long to fit on a web page (that’s a joke). Scholarships were followed by an overview of the conference to come. “Intelligences Outside the Normal Curve: Factors That Contribute to the Creation of Leadership Skills and Social Capital in Young People and Adults.” Joseph S. Renzulli, Director, The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, The University of Connecticut “Genius is talent set on fire by courage.” Henry van Dyke General theory for talent development Why Intelligences outside the normal curve are important Operation houndstooth theory and research Executive function and theory research Co-cognitive Factor Who are they? What causes some people to use their gifts in socially constructive and action oriented ways? What can we do to promote these actions? “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” Nelson Mandela People who make a difference Four areas of study: Focus on Creative Productivity The Development of Social Capital What is social capital and why is it important? Bowling Alone Leadership in a changing world Conceptions of Giftedness Gifted Child Quarterly early 2013 Renzulli showed two examples of children who took the initiative, one can be seen at Suitcases for Children and one created an inclusive playground and secured funding to build it while in elementary school. Then he contrasted Mandela and Amin. Graph showing attitudes in young people shows more emphasis on earning money than developing a philosophy of life. Data on attitudes in college students showing more narcissism in personality Social Capital Actions that benefit others - single individuals or targeted groups, entire communities, as distinct from actions that are only taken to benefit one’s own financial gain, Gemeinshaftsgefuhl Houndstooth Content validity Phase 1 Theory and research Phase 2 Refining and application CoCognitive Factor Scale Construct validity Optimism Courage Romance w/ discipline or topic Sensitivity to human concerns Physical/Mental energy Vision/sense of Destiny Executive Functions ability to engage in novel situations that require planning decision making troubleshooting and ethical leadership that is not dependent on routine or well rehearsed responses. How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough Type III Enrichment Investigation that reflects both houndstooth traits and executive function skills. Kids got biodegradable trays in cafeteria. Type II Enrichment in the Enrichment Triad Model Kids Guide to Social Action, et al. Interventions Designed to Promote Co-cognitive Characteristics Least effective way to create internalization of co-cognitive attitudes, beliefs,values and behaviors: bottom to top Rally round the flag Gold star approach teaching and preaching approach vicarious experiences or simulations, modeling direct involvement I: Participatory Activities Direct involvement II: Creative/Productive Activities In conclusion, Mohandas Gandhi The things that will destroy us are : politics without principle; pleasure without .... Traditional Focus of Education Cognitive basics: creative thinking, critical th, problem solving, decision making, productive thinking Need to be part of Creative Factors If you've read this far, you'll forgive me for the formatting issues. Too tired!

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