Articulation an Alignment: Identifying Creatively Gifted Students, Providing Services and Utilizing Assessment Tools
Patti Drapeau
Definition: two approaches - personality and cognitive, Amabile: a cognitive rational view of creativity. Trends in psychology have been 1) developmental, stages of development, 2) social psychology, environmental influences, 3) cognitive, what happens in the mind, 4) educational, domain of achievement, 5) humanists, everyday, spiritual side, 6)psychoanalysts, psychopathology. R. Keith Sawyer calls for combining personality, cognitive and sociocultural approaches into the interdisciplinary approach, but discourages cooperative learning.
If you must formally identify, use screening, selection, placement, appeals process, exiting procedures. Some researchers hypothesized that creativity is separate from intelligence. Any student can be creative regardless of IQ. Some of the characteristics of the creatively gifted are: aware of creativity, independent, risk-taker, can question rules, be stubborn, argumentative, autocratic. Gary Davis’ book (1992).
Tools: checklists, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking,based on Guilford. Four areas are sometimes used as definition: elaboration, fluency, flexibility, and originality.
Criterion Reference Test can be made on local norms. Contact Talent Unlimited out of Kansas City.
Use of standards: Key Ideas and Details of typical student, creative use of fluency
Kindling the Inner Fires of Learning
Ginger Lewman
Hutchinson, Kansas
In a study of two sisters one succeeded, one failed. Didn’t have independence skills
Authenticity is key to learning, learning by doing. Her presentation on Life Practice may be found here: . Her web site is here: and here:
Breakthroughs in Assessment of the Gifted
Linda Silverman
Everyone dislikes the use of IQ tests for a variety of reasons, but mental tests proved the existence of gifted girls. Statistics don’t tell the whole picture however. One example of qualitative assessment: looking in their eyes. IQ tests have predictive variables. Henri Roeper, qualitative interaction with individuals, a type of measurement. Experienced evaluators of gifted combine quantitative data with qualitative information.
In medicine, test scores are only used to confirm or rule out a medical diagnosis. Drs. use family history, medical history, clinical judgement.
Use of the GAI for WISC-IV can help diagnose gifted children. Other suggestions she made were to make a priori substitutions, use extended norms tables, be aware of g-loadings, understand subtest score patterns, test the limit of the child’s abilities, beyond discontinue criteria and time limits, note if discontinue criteria are not reached and report scores as underestimates, and be enthusiastic and supportive while testing.
Hoagies web site has a list of psychologists who are knowledgable about gifted.
Betty Meckstroth, tell how much beyond max score, Sylvia Rimm as well.
Profile of a Gifted Visual-Spatial Learner: high in block design, matrix reasoning, arithmetic; low in picture concepts and digit span, average in letter-number sequencing. There was no score for coding due to an inability to express ideas in writing
Memory is arithmetic, letter-number is sequencing, digit span
Perceptual Reasoning is block design, picture concepts, matrix reasoning
Picture concepts is too open-ended and slows GT kids down.
All parts of an IQ test are not equal in value in determining giftedness.
Best subtests are progressive matrices, vocabulary, (information) and similarities, arithmetic, (word reasoning) and comprehension. Mediocre measures are matrix reasoning, block design, picture completion, letter-number sequence, symbol search picture concepts, digital span. Worst measure is coding (writing, visual-motor). NAGC & Sylvia Rimm formed a task force collected data from 8 locations on WISC form, Verbal comp 133, perceptual reasoning, 127, working memory, 121 Processing speed, 112. Make sure they report GAI, if within 23 points it is reliable and valid.
NAGC web site: Four Paths to Gifted Programs: vocabulary, similarities,comprehension, matrix reasoning, block design, picture concepts. Untimed tests are better for locating gifted children. Bonus points for speed depresses scores for gifted. Timed tests exact a greater toll on the gifted because processing is usually slower. Only 4 out of 103 gifted children scored 130 or higher on proc. speed. Sylvia Rimm reported average at her center were at high average on processing speed. “More complex thought requires additional time.” (Gilman, 2004)
120-129 Advanced learners
130-144 Moderately gifted
145-159 Highly gifted
160-174 Exceptionally gifted
175+ Profoundly gifted
Tips for testing gifted children are to build rapport, guessing should be encouraged, ask them to bring a favorite toy, tester must like gifted kids, long list of important variables.
email to get handout
“The only instrument complex enough to understand a human being is another human being.” AnneMarie Roeper
Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration: A Process of Development
Agenda: 1)Introductions: How I Came to the Theory, 2) History and Foundations of the Theory, 3) Levels of Development, 4) Dynamisms, 5) Overexciteabilities, 6) Application: Current Practices
Patti Gatto-Walden met Michael Piechowski when she took 26-page overexciteability test, Linda Silverman, New Voices in Counseling the Gifted, used as textbook, Michele Kane,, child who always wanted more, saw Silverman in 6-hour workshop, Janneke Frank, parent of gifted child.
Kazimierz Dabrowski
The growth and evolution of civilization and culture creates more complex problems.
Theory of Positive Disintegration: Personality structure comes apart and reintegrates at a higher level, not personality as character, but “a self-aware, self-chosen, self-affirmed and self-determined unity of essential individual psychic qualities.” Personality as second level of integration
Non-ontogenetic - unrelated to physical maturation
Role of emotion - “the emotional sphere at every level of development is the decisive factor that determines and controls human activity.”
“Empathy is a handicap in a world that is blind to cruelty and apathetic to injustice.” Linda Silverman
Valued psychoneurosis as a disturbance that is necessary for further development.
Values are not relativistic - not all value systems are equally right.
Factors that influence development: hereditary/constitutional, environmental/social, self-directed/autonomous.
Developmental potential is relationship between heredity and environment comprised of Overexciteabilities, Autonomy, Talents and Abilities
Theory of emotional development 1) Normal or typical, no attempts at self-transformation, 2) One-sided, strong skill or set of skills, 3) Global and accelerated, strong DP, all cognitive and emotional functions develop .
Non-ontogenetic theory is one that is not age-related, only moves forward, no longer able to think in previous stage of development. In Dabrowski, you can’t revert to former thinking. In order to evolve, your previous thinking must disintegrate. Not everyone will get there. Some people stay at same level their entire life.
“We all move into high gear as the final deadline looms. I wish it were otherwise, but how else could it be for perfectionists???” Janneke Frank
Five levels of development, can be at two levels at once. They are 1) self-centered egocentrism, primary integration, 2) at the mercy of others, unilevel disintegration, 3) Striving for ideals, spontaneous multilevel disintegration (no one knows where sense of self comes from and inner conflict begins to develop self at higher level), 4) actualizing ideals, directed multilevel disintegration (“what ought to be will be, and I will make it so”), and 5) Transcendent, secondary integration, Dabrowski said a) only person who did it was Jesus, b) it involves dedication to service, and a love of humanity).
Michael Piechowski was cited as believing that the difference between levels was greater than any emotions at one level.
Sylvia Rimm opined that it fits really well with stages of development by age. Dabrowski Group replied, “Yes, but it is the ideal.”
Perfectionism can be positive in integrated stage (integrating what is with what should be): Stage 1)I’m perfect but you’re not. Perfectionism is oppressive. Other are used for self-aggrandizement, fails to see own imperfections, 2) perfectionism is debilitating, laced with self-doubt, unable to live up to expectations, focus on imperfections, if not perfect, worthless, 3) the perfectionist propels individual with drive for self-perfection, become ones best self, 4) the perfectionist evolves into self-perfection, higher values and higher consciousness, view one’s journey without judgement, reveal imperfections
and finally, 5) secondary integration is perfection of personality, inner peace, no inner conflict, service to humanity, appreciation of perfection in all.
Developmental Dynamisms are biological or mental forces controlling behavior and its development. Instincts, drives and intellectual precesses combined with emotions shaping forces controlling behavior and ...(missed this part). They are self-evaluative processes, energies that are observable and analyzable in a person’s verbal behavior.
Dynamisms are essential for growth.
Michael Piechowski’s Dynamisms as shapers of development: examples are External conflict: 1, 2, and 3, Inner conflict: 3 and 4 and Common Dynamisms are Empathy, Creative Instinct, and Identification (conscious awareness)
In primary Integration, level 1, I love me, unilevel disintegration, level 2 values, what do others think, level 3 spontaneous multilevel disintegration, what is vs. what ought to be, dissatisfaction with self, feelings of shame and guilt, positive maladjustment, level 4 directed multilevel disintegration, what ought to be will be, subject-object in oneself, third factor, self awareness & self-control, and level 5, education of oneself, auto-psychic healing, responsibility, autonomy, personality ideal, self-perfectionism, more constructive rather than disintegration
Moral development and moral action seen as a function of total person and is chosen, striven for and indeed the result of some kind of disintegration (Hague, 1998, P. 170)
Patti Gatto-Walden
Overexcitabilities (Piechowski, 1992)
Cognitive complexity, emotional sensitivity, heightened imagination, and magnified sensations combine to create “a different quality of experiencing: vivid, absorbing, penetrating, encompassing, complex, commanding - a way of being quiveringly alive”
Have you ever been told...
You ask too many questions?
You are too sensitive?
You care too much?
You are too emotional?
Giftedness is a two-sided coin, vulnerabilities, pressure, loneliness, as well as strength, blessing, and expansion.
OE types: 1)psychomotor; surplus of energy, expression of emotional tension, compulsive talking, impulsive actions, nervous habits, workaholism, acting out, drive, transitions difficult, 2) sensual; senses, can have overeating, sexual overindulgence, buying sprees, enjoy attention, tags in clothes bother, may have difficulty with certain foods, 3) imaginational; loves fantasy, metaphor, magical thinking, elaborate dreams, illusions, low tolerance for boredom, imagination can run wild, 4)intellectual; endlessly curious, love of theory,moral thinking, introspection without self-judgement, conceptual in integration and 5) emotional; continuum of emotion, complex emotions and feelings, strong affective expressions, strong affective memory, intense feelings toward self, introspection with self-evaluation.
Kids need to hear about this to help in their integration. Some web sites that were recommended were
Learning Physics through ICY Simulation Tools
Cher Kuan Thio
Logger pro and Tracker Video Analysis are two free applications that can visually demonstrate physics experiments. First Mr. Thio demonstrated the use of Tracker (free) to teach kinematics. A video shows car moving across table, need to tell computer what to track, so put ruler on table, need reference points to begin and end. Creates graph that compares distance to time. Also does slowing down and speeding up. Can do ball toss, see graph of ball with increasing rate of speed. Possible extensions are projectile motion (basketball toss) and parabolic curve. Most people have access to video phone. They can analyze how high they jump, ball skills, running speed, ball activities, bouncing and collisions.
Datastudio can be used to teach sound. Sound waves can be visually represented and manipulated to see the effect. More waves changes pitch, height of wave is volume.
Audacity to set pitches or record voice. Is actually used to mix sounds. Create tunes by modifying sound clips, amplitude, and frequencies.
Mindstorms can graph sounds, make robot follow track.
Ginger Lewman
Use marketing strategies to get people to come into the classrooms.
Students get plugged in to computers and hate to leave. So much to learn and immediate. User has control. Use gamer tactics to attract, engage and hold a user to a particular product. Techniques are reward for choices, like Famous Footwear rewards, S&H green stamps. Ginger recommended Richard Bartle’s gamer psychology, and his book Designing Virtual Worlds. Go to to see your gamer profile.
Four types of Achievers: Achievement, Explorers, Socializers, and Killers (.1% of population) have to win publicly and publicize it. Motivations are status, access, power and “stuff.”
At at Mozilla, recognition for skills you learn anywhere.
Doesn’t have to be just about technology. Can be to do good in the world.
How do we attract, engage and hold our community to our gifted programs.
Students as Self-Advocates: Why/How Learners Should Craft their Own Digital Footprints
Ginger Lewman
Edupreneur gives list of Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship is for kids to learn how to be good online citizen from age 5 up You can log in as student, teacher or district.
Google to learn acronyms. Urban dictionary.
Common Sense Rule
Never say or send anything you’d be embarrassed about if the whole world saw!
Smart phones, video games.
Two articles about recruiters and hiring managers using FB. will send alerts when your name is mentioned on Google. Can use it for search term. Search query in quotes.
Responsible use guidelines can be found at Chris Betcher,
How do you manage a digital footprint? 1)Find out what is already there. 2)Try to remove the negative. 3)Begin to monitor your digital footprint. 4)Brand yourself. 5) Pile up the positives, and make sure they are found.
When hiring, resume is x,y axis. Look for z axis. Digital resume for 5 years.
The networked learner.
tool: google sketchup
entrepreneurs: sketchup and blender, joined clovis point and usb symbol. Antikythera mechanism, earliest computer, can make with 3D printer. will build 3D designs and make them in whatever medium you like. Jewelry, game pieces, puzzles, tshirts, mugs clocks, etc.
On Lulu, you can write books.
creating, publishing, designing, marketing
distracted driving, the frontal lobe is evolving until age 25
snapchat, kick
Digital Advocacy: Communicating with Millennials
Kathy Jones
Advocates for High Ability Learners
share information widely or specifically
hangout and learn with other influencers
mentor and be mentored
network more efficiently and effectively
build better ideas
assuming connectivity
assuming confidence
assuming connections
What Works
like and follow influencers
search for complementary sites
look outside the field
ask questions
Adam Bellow website called educlipper
Remember: what’s old may be new, invite participation, make networking a priority, keep it appropriate, share your human side, carefully
mp3 files are available on AHA
WhoDecides What Giftedness is?
Roland S. Persson
Why are are we mindful of the Gifted?
Because they represent human capital in the global economies demand for innovation. Because they are capable of problem solving for the survival of humanity and/or the welfare of individual countries. Severe income disparity, chronic fiscal imbalances, water costs, challenges of the last few decades, such as synthethic biology, nanotech, machine intelligence, computer algorithms controlling the stock market, synthetic genetic manipulation. Studies on dung beetles more frequent than studies of human extinction. Lastly for the needs and wants of the gifted and talented themselves, UNESCO (1994) statement on individual needs and rights of every child, shift towards producing manpower for information economy, emphasis on tests, political and economic tool, failure to recognize human nature and take it into consideration
Dogma and conflict
A closed mind characterized by a stubborn willfulness to acknowledge truth: a willful irrationality within a context in which rationality is a valid criterion for assessing the soundness of one’s thinking. Human nature refers to the distinguishing char including ways of thinking feeling an acting that humans tend to have naturally independently of the influence of culture in other words there are behaviors not necessarily subject to a learning process?
Gifted Ed and the research that underpins it is largely static because of urgent societal need for real world practice, the accountability movement, and budgets, as well as the result of neoliberal ideology to better fit a global economy, narrow understandings of giftedness, cognitive conservatism and familiarity, variety of personality traits, stereotypes, group behavior. Education ruled by internal, dominant monopolies. Henry Bauer, VA Polytechnic Inst., if don’t accept big bang theory, won’t get funding. Medicine, must embrace that HIV is always the cause of AIDS. Climate change, must support that climate is changing because of human activity. Giftedness, must believe it is a large number of people in population who have some talents (term talent is preferred). arguing talent for all is encouraged, gifted for a few is not. Unavoidable forces in university environments, ex: Galileo and the Roman Inquisition (vehemently suspect of heresy), subject to house arrest for rest of life. Same forces are alive and well. Robert Quinn, Scholars at Risk Network. Method used are posturing, submission, escape and attack and elimination.
Risk-takers with a desire to shake things up in spite of cost, desire to set things straight, self-sufficient, independent, intellectually curious, noncomformist.
“How feasible is it to expect the gifted to contribute to the global economy to be the warrant for any nations future welfare and wealth and if need be, perhaps also serve the world as savior of human prospect?
Making compromise, gifted can override human nature, often refuse to accept that which does not conform to their own values, can become problem to employment, regarded as difficult troublemaker, difficulty employed in strictly formal setting unless psychopathic. Kevin Dutton of Oxford University quote on psycopaths.
Phenomenal assets but only in positions where they are socially sanctioned to do what they want to do.
The societal culture field impacting daily life, work science and nation building graphic. Four Cultures: Ethnic cultures, Sub-cultures, General culture, and Superculture.
53 multinational corporations all accumulated wealth of 120 nations. Will acquire talent in relentless pursuit of growth and profit. “Superentity” Swiss Inst.
India, Asia, South America, Patel CEO of Indian Govt. urges restraint on use of education for economic returns, quality of life in its entirety.
Who gets to define giftedness and talent?
Considering global development, focus on what gifted are able to do more important to corporations and governments than theoretical descriptions. Pragmatic answer is that there are a number of deciding factors. Within each group with vested interest in gifted indiv. there are vested self-interests. Bottom line, whoever has dominance (social power) by whatever means,
At a crossroads.Google foresee a future with 2 parts; physical and virtual.
In wake of global economy, operated without human control, world is too obsessed with technological advances rather than human needs. A war for talent is in full operation.
What’s Exceptional about Twice-Exceptionality?
Megan Foley Nicpon
Belin-Blank Center
The Top 10 Things about Twice-Exceptionality
Ten: definition, “gifted-talented in one or more areas while also possessing a learning, emotional, physical, sensory and/or developmental disability.” Prevalence is uncertain due to lack of standards, identification of gifted or disability is hidden.
Nine: The norm is the exception to the norm.
Eight: Working memory and processing speed are building blocks to learning, but are often lower in 2Es. Verbal and general ability skills higher than perceptual, working memory and processing speeds.
Seven: Twice-exceptional may have a lowered self-concept, lower happiness and behavioral satisfaction.
Six: We need to think long and hard about how we identify populations, RTI is specific example of exception to discrepancy model approach.
Five: Some 2e may have limited insight into areas of strength and difficulties.
Four: A comprehensive evaluation is key to identify strengths and areas of growth. Look for patterns that indicate gifts as well as
Three: The best ed plans highlight strengths and accommodate difficulties, in that order. Participate in advanced classes, acceleration opportunities, and enrichment activities, review records, allow time to process info, know your rights, help teach self-advocacy and problem-solving skills.
Two: There is still a lot of work to be done. 317 individuals professionals surveyed, gifted and special educators more familiar with 2e than regular ed teachers and psychologists. More professional development and in 20 years, only 43 empirical studies conducted examining gifted with ASD, ADHD or SLD. Gifted Child Quarterly 2e edition.
One: These are amazing kids!
Network of 1K talent points in Hungary, ECHA European Council of High Ability.
European Talent Support Network coming next year.
How to make a good network: horizontal contacts instead of hierarchy, build the WE world instead of the ME world, and build in a space that helps people enjoy themselves together with trust.
Kahlil Gibran “Work is love made visible.”
Work is love made visible for someone you don’t even know. Talent support is love made visible.