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Monday, September 30, 2024

Losses are not fun

 One of the ways I have fun is to quilt. I also love to read, write, and search for genealogy nuggets. All of which are solitary activities. Being human, however, I need to be around people some of the time. 

I recently read a book called The Introvert Advantage. I realized I am an introvert, which explains why I find it stressful to be around large groups of people. In graduate school, I would gravitate to the kitchen during parties, while my first ex-husband was putting a lampshade on his head. Now that I realize I need alone time, I quit beating myself up for not being more social. 

I have been single now for thirty years, living alone since the youngest moved out in 2007. I have learned to accept that there will be tough days, but I am happy for the most part. My favorite people live mostly nearby and I can see most of them any time. 

There have been losses this year, which are not fun. One of my dearest friends died last summer and I still miss her most days. The Center for Gifted has closed permanently, done in by COVID. It was one of a kind, run by brilliant people who loved gifted kids and each other. The kids loved the classes. I often wondered if I should tell them I would teach there for free. It's gone, and I helped empty the storage unit. It leaves a big hole.

I don't look forward to old age. I remember when my mom lost her last best friend. She was glad she could go quickly (a stroke), not bitter about her loneliness. 

I try to enjoy each day, because I am so lucky to still be alive. There are many times in my life I could have died but didn't, thanks to modern medicine and psychology. 

Last weekend I had great fun walking two miles with my son and his dog. You can't buy that. 

I cleaned up more of my quilting mess this morning and look forward to cleaning my house. That's not fun, but it cheers me up. 

Last week I heard a report on BBC that music releases endorphins. That must be why I love to sing so much and I do sing three times or more during the week. I also love hearing the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, which I heard last Friday. Yes, I have fun every week, even when I am processing losses.